Sunday, March 11, 2007

And This is What I Graduate To

This is comforting. Russia comes in right after Iraq. Michael Specter counts 14 journalists (1 more just since his articles in the Jan. 29th issue of the New Yorker) killed since Putin replaced Yeltsin.

Khlebnikov is on that list. I remember when he was killed. I'd barely heard of journalists being killed at that point, and goodness knows why I still went into Russian. I just got around to reading Godfather of the Kremlin, and the knowledge of his death really upset me while reading it. He was taking a huge risk even delving into the subject of Berezovsky, and he did a spectacular job reporting his history in Yeltsin's administration.

Anyway, is it too late to change my major to biology?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.